Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
- 贊成:46票
- 反對:12票
- 把議席數目由現時的60席增加至70席,分區直選及功能界別議席各增加至35席。
- 把新增的5個功能界別議席,以及原來的1個區議會議席,全數由民選區議員互選產生,即委任區議員不參與互選。
- 6個區議會議席以「比例代表制」由民選區議員互選產生。
- 維持現時非中國籍和持有外國居留權的香港永久性居民可參選12個功能界別議席的安排。
Office Web Apps - Web-based Microsoft Office
- 個人使用:免費
- 共用Skydrive 25GB網上儲存空間(單檔限制50MB)
- 其中, 只限Office 2010 格式的OneNote才能在Office Web Apps進行編輯
- 除了Word, Excel 和PowerPoint,還有OneNote(我覺得記事方便。)
- 支援資料夾及檔案分享。
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Dropbox - Web-based files storage with synchronization
TeamViewer - for Computer technical support
- 遙距控制;
- 桌面分享;
- 檔案傳送。
For the instant customer: TeamViewer QuickSupport(適合受協助者下載,免安裝)
Simple and small customer module, runs immediately without installation and does not require administrative rights - optimized for instant support
For mobile use: TeamViewer Portable(適合協助者下載,免安裝,解壓縮後可直接使用)
TeamViewer Portable can be run directly from a USB stick or a CD - the perfect solution if you are on the road.
Chrome Extension - SmoothScroll
SmoothScroll by PatrickB
Scrolls the websites smoothly when scrolling with the mouse wheel or the keyboard
Chrome Extension - IE Tab Classic
IE Tab Classic by josorek
Internet Explorer inside Chrome
Chrome Extension - AdBlock
AdBlock by gundlach
AdBlock for Chrome! Blocks ads all over the web. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars by our users!
Google Products
- 絕大部份都是免費的;即使收費,免費版亦夠用。
- 多項服務即時互動應用,例如在分享相薄/文件/日曆時,輸入聯絡人的組群;將日曆刊到協作平台上;甚至在日曆上顯示聯絡人的生日。
- 以下列舉一些好用的工具:
- Google Chrome (前文介紹)
快速,介面簡單,功能方便易用。 - Gmail (電郵)
快速,易用(包括管理、搜尋),附件約25MB。 - Contacts(聯絡人)
整合你的聯絡人名單,支援組群(groups)。 - Calendar(日曆)
輕易管理日程,分享簡易(可設定某日曆公開,檢視者可以不是Google user)。 - Documents(文件)
網上存放文件,PowerPoint, 試算表,Drawing,Forms(可用作問卷調查),可以上載超大檔案(目前存放空間有1GB,可上載1GB單檔);
分享簡易(檢視者可以不是Google user),並支援多人同步編輯。 - Reader(閱讀器)
網誌大集合,方便。 - Web Albums(網絡相簿)
1GB空間,可設定相簿的檢視權限,配合Picasa,簡便管理相片和圖片。 - Sites(協作平台)
每個Site有100MB空間,分享及協作網頁超方便(可以邀請Google user編輯網頁)。 - Blogger(網誌)
簡便發表個人網誌,並可邀Google user協作。 - Notebook
類Evernote,存放網上內容(文字、圖片及連結)。 - Youtube
短片分享及檢視。 - Wave
較新概念的即時通訊工具。 - Coming soon: Voice
Google Chrome
Download: 免費網路瀏覽器
- IE, 可以直接扔掉,也不再評論其問題種種了;=.=
- Firefox, 如果你有心機自己組裝各個附加功能,可以令其成為貼身的工具,不局限於上網;
- Google Chrome, 從一開始的快、簡潔,加上發展迅速的輕便擴展功能(Extensions),推薦使用。
Source: Median values from summary table. Internet Explorer (50.53%; Usage by version number) Mozilla Firefox (31.26%; Usage by version number) Google Chrome (7.72%) Safari (5.15%) Opera (1.98%) Other (1.30%)
立法會會議座位表 | ||||
2012年行政長官及立法會產生辦法 – 建議方案
- 選舉委員會由現時的800人增至1200人。
- 四大界別同比例增加選舉委員會委員名額,即每個界別各增加100個議席。
- 把選舉委員會第四界別(即政界)新增100個議席的四分之三(即75席)分配予民選區議員,加上原來的42個議席,區議會將共有117個議席,由民選區議員互選產生,即委任區議員不參與互選。
- 增加由330多萬選民選出的民選區議員在選舉委員會內的比例,以有效地擴大選民基礎,增加選舉委員會的民主成分。
- 維持目前的提名門檻,即選舉委員會總人數的八分之一(即150人)。
- 現階段不設立提名人數上限。
- 2012年的行政長官選舉不改變行政長官不屬任何政黨的規定,但長遠可作檢討。
Nature’s Art: Striped Icebergs and Frozen Waves of Antarctica | Inhabitots
Norwegian sailor Oyvind Tangen, 63, captured nature at its most mysterious and beautiful while on board a research ship 660 miles north of the Antarctic. His stunning photographs of brilliantly colored icebergs, remind Tangen of, “…striped candy I bought as a child.” His images remind us of nature’s eye-candy, which is now forever documented as a testament to the majestic beauty that unfolds on our planet.
The diagonal blue stripe in the mountainous iceberg shown above (rising 30 meters above the ocean’s surface) was created when the ice sheet filled with meltwater and froze so quickly that no bubbles formed. Algae is also one of nature’s coloring tools. Salty seawater may freeze the submerged surface of an iceberg once it falls into the sea, and if it is rich in algae, a green stripe may appear. Other hues that color the icebergs include yellow, black and brown and are caused by sediment that is picked up when an ice sheet grinds downhill toward the sea.
The image above is of an “ice wave” caused by glaciation, the melting and re-freezing of ice formations over long periods of time. Scientist Tony Travouillon captured the impressive, awe-inducing shots of these waves that are frozen in time.
In case you’re questioning the validity of these photos and whether or not they have been doctored with photo software, Hoax-Slayer verifies that they are indeed real. In these events, Mother Nature is an artist who requires no touch-ups.
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